Tuesday 1 November 2011

Wanderlust Couture

This little outfit post is a very special one! Yesterday was the official launch date for Wanderlust's online shop, Wanderlust Couture! Most of you are familiar with Wanderlust by now considering how many times I've linked and fawned over Vanessa + Dan's sweet little mobile shop. Once I expressed my interest in my own mobile dream Vanessa commented and said she ran one in Portland, Oregon. I clicked over and swoon city! I fell in love. The past few months Vanessa has been an endless source of inspiration, advice and reassurance when it comes to operating a small business on wheels! I had the pleasure of meeting her at the end of September when she came with her hubz to Nashville. She was able to see Honeybean in person and I was just tickled pink (and also super nervous! She's been running Wanderlust for over a year now and she's without a doubt one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to the shop!) She was just as sweet, and even more adorable, in real life and I feel like kindred spirits in our journey in self-employment! Wanderlust is the soul-sister to Bernadette and I hope we get a chance to visit Portland one day to shop there myself! 

Vanessa has been slaving away to create an online shop for the fancier frocks from Wanderlust to allow more people the chance to claim their own piece! We are striving to have Honeybean's online shop running  sooner or later but hats off to Vanessa for pulling it off so quickly and in such a brilliant way! I really value the fact that she's trying to keep the main appeal of the shop in the physical retail location as opposed to putting everything online!

She sent me this gorgeous vintage dress to keep and I am just enamored with it! Judging by the construction it's completely home-sewn! How fun! I love when you find vintage piece that just fit you so perfectly. It's almost as if they were created just for you, years and years ago... awaiting the day they get picked by the right owner. I love that! I just happened to get my ukulele in the mail on the same day and it was pretty much fate. The sweet tropical print on the dress paired with my ukulele just makes me want to go plant my toes in the sand and serenade the sea! (Cheesy, much?!)

Please take a quick moment to check out all of Vanessa and Dan's hard work! They have a blog and a shop you can check out! You can always follow them on Twitter to stay up to date on their whereabouts! Check out their blog for a special coupon code for the shop, too!

Ahh! Aren't they just so inspiring?! Congratulations Wanderlust!

Handmade vintage dress gifted from Wanderlust / Wanderlust Couture
Target cardigan
Thrifted belt
Vintage dress loafers, thrifted

PS; November's sponsors are up! Hands down the best batch yet! I am so thrilled to share what's in store for this magical month!

PPS; Don't think I forgot! The big November giveaway will be posted this afternoon! This post may or may not have a hint as to what it will be! ;)

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