Tuesday 8 November 2011

Bubbly Tuesday!!!

Another week and you know what?! Today is the best for two reasons: 1.  It is Bubbly Tuesday...DUH!!! and 2: I am guest posting over at My Songbook!! Go over and check it out :)


For all of you die heart fans out there, you already know why I am spending the week reading don't ya?! The first part of breaking dawn is being released on December 18th!!! Can NOT wait! ahh! It has been a year and a half since the last movie was released from the Twilight Saga and the anticipation has got me on the edge of my seat. I started RE-READING the fourth book because it has been years now since I read it the first time.  Not that I have forgotten anything.  
The weather in AZ has started to cool, so I have been spending my nights curled up with hot coco, candles, and my book! 

I received A LOT of positive feedback from starting the guest "bubble" for Bubbly Tuesdays.  Yayy! I am so excited.  However I have been receiving a lot of emails asking requirements for the post, so let me do a recap of Bubbly Tuesday and why I have it. 

Tuesdays seem to be a typically slower day.  You are not longer on cloud nine from the weekend and you havn't quite hit hump day yet..... so you are stuck with Tuesdays.  The point of bubbly Tuesday is to show me what you are doing for yourself to be happy.  It can be ANYTHING you want as long as its ALL ABOUT YOU!  great examples: exercising, dinner with friends, laughing, volunteering, new make-up, date night, DYI project!!! anything as long as you take the time to be happy.  You can look, HERE, HERE, and HERE for some exampled of my past Tuesdays! 

To link up all you need is to have either a picture of you doing something bubbly,  maybe its a post on your blog (great exposure to get those extra followers) or just a a message telling me what you did for your Tuesday. 
Guest post If you want to take part in the guest bubble post for a Bubbly Tuesday email me over a blog post including what you are doing to make your Tuesday bubbly along with a PICTURE of your beautiful self blowing a bubbly. (bubalicious bubble gum is the best for those bubbles) I will pick one guest blog a month to feature on a Tuesday!!

Get out there and do something for you!!!

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