Sunday 6 November 2011

Ruby In The Rough

Phew! Work this weekend was a madhouse. Well, Friday night was dead and we closed a whole hour and a half-ish early. But last night the bar was packed from bar to door. It was a good night, that's for sure! I miss when that was how work was every Friday and Saturday. My parents stopped in on their way through town to say hi, and Mike had a mini-high school reunion basically. We died down enough to warrant closing at 2am instead of staying open an extra hour for daylight savings time. Yesterday Mike and I went on a duvet-hunting adventure. We were really wanting new bedding but we hadn't found anywhere with anything decent. We finally stumbled across Ralph Lauren's comforter in "Yorkshire Rose" and we were sold. It was girly enough to please me but the sage green is what Mike likes. Happy compromise! (And I maybe bought 2 pink throw pillows to "accent the roses" haha!) Of course we were stoked to crawl into bed at 3am when we got home from work and snuggle under our new blanket but the girls did a bad thing and now the laundromat will see snuggles from our new bedding before we will. Sigh. That's life I suppose! 

Today is jam-packed with coffee, thrifting, errands, and fun things like that! Oh -- to touch base on our Andy story, we decided to not pursue it. We actually said yes, decided to go forward with our adoption and have our home inspection, etc, but then our other vet called us and really really gave us the jist of what was going on. She didn't give him good odds at all, which we were prepared for, but he wouldn't be eligible for puppy insurance and we'd surely drown in the finances otherwise. With 2 bullies already racking up vet costs even with insurance, we decided to let him go to the next family in line. We know they'll love him just as much as we would! Thanks for all of your sweet tweets, emails and comments. It's a sad situation but that just means the right pet is still out there for us! Our little family of 4 will become 5 when the time is right! Happy Sunday!

Target Cardigan
Black tights c/o Foot Traffic
Target flats

PS; LOL @ all of my "hands on hip" poses. I had to choose all of these pictures for that reason alone. Ridiculous, KB. I should learn a new pose ;) Also -- Apparently I have a natural ombre going on in my hair. Red to orange? I kind of like it.

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