Sunday 20 November 2011

Kitchen Tweak: Welcome to the 148th Metamorphosis Monday!

Happy Met Monday! Hope you've been having a fabulous weekend!  Have you been shopping for groceries in preparation of Thanksgiving?  The stores have all been packed when I've been in.

I wanted to let you know I will be posting every day this week.  Even though I'll be taking some time off to spend with family, I've prepared several posts in advance.  So, if you get the urge to take a little break from your Thanksgiving preparations, stop by and there should be a new post up at BNOTP.

Winner of the Giveaway from Charming Cozy Creations & The Charmed Life:
The winner of the recent giveaway from Charming Cozy Creations has been posted on the giveaway post HERE, so take a look to see if it's you.  Also, I still haven't been able to reach the winner of the giveaway from The Charmed Life.  So, if you entered that giveaway, please stop by HERE to see if you're the winner.

Metamorphosis Monday:
 I don't have a big "Before and After" to share for this Met Monday--it's more like a little tweak.  Last week I shared a change I made in my kitchen, HERE, that was inspired by the baking center/station seen in our tour of the house in the movie It's Complicated.  (You'll find the house tour for It's Complicated, HERE.)

Though I don't have an area big enough to hold a whole bunch of glass canisters/jars like we saw in the movie...

I did manage to squeeze in a couple over in one corner of the kitchen.

I wasn't quite satisfied with the way that looked, so this week I changed things up a bit.  Do you see the difference?

 I decided to add one more canister and I changed out the smaller one for a large one.  That's sugar on the left, flour on the right and oatmeal in the center.

Now, I just needed three scoops.  I stopped by Williams-Sonoma, Bed, Bath and Beyond and several other stores near my home, but was unable to find what I needed.  I was searching for a 1-cup measuring "scoop" with graduated markings showing 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 3/4 cup and 1 cup, so whenever I scooped out sugar, flour or oatmeal, I could measure it at the same time.  I found plenty of measuring cups but they were all pretty large--a little too large to comfortably pull in and out of the canisters.

After searching pretty extensively online, I found the Nuscup, made in Switzerland.  Have you ever seen these?  It's pretty cool.  Here's a video on You Tube HERE showing how it works.

They were a bit pricey at $12-14 each.  So I searched around online and found them at the Sierra Trading Post HERE for only  $4.76 each.  On that site, they were available in three colors.  I went with the white accented with green.  Shipping was reasonable at $5.95 for all three scoops.  I hope they work as well as they appear to in the video.  You just slide the little button and the cup adjusts to hold the amount you need.
The newly added center canister holds my favorite brand of oatmeal.  Have you ever tried the Trader Joe's brand?  It  is sooo good!  It's 100% whole grain oats and is gluten, wheat and dairy free for those who need that.  Of course, it doesn't have any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.  It's definitely the best tasting oatmeal I've ever eaten.  I add just a little touch of unsulfured blackstrap molasses.  Unsulfured, blackstrap molasses is really good for you (per Dr. Oz) because it's a great source of iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium.  I love the way it tastes, too.

So, that's my kitchen tweak.  Now I'm really done with my little baking corner.  No more changes.  I think. ;)

Looking forward to all the fabulous Before and Afters for this Met Monday!

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Looking forward to your Before and After!

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*If you are reading this via email or RSS feed, to view all the Before and Afters linked for Metamorphosis Monday, click HERE.

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Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party!

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