Thursday 10 November 2011

Loft Tour: Where We Rest Our Heads

Good morning, Honeybees! Thanks for indulging me a little yesterday while I was super excited to share my newly expanded wardrobe area in our home! It really is our baby and we like sharing the things we create! Today I'm going to share with you our "bedroom" area.  Our living areas really aren't lavish in any way and they're very underwhelming in comparison to my wardrobe!
In case you're not up to speed, Mike and I live in an industrious factory-converted loft in midtown Nashville, and it's only about 890 sq. feet. There are no separating walls/doors except to the bathroom (with the tiny tiny shower! Oh how I miss bubblebaths!) and then there's a sectioned off area beside the bathroom that has a curtain over it which we use as a storage/craft closet (and Mike's closet is in there, too, for everyone who keeps asking! haha I promise I don't make him store them in the car or anything!). We don't have a washer + dryer (what the closet place was intended for, but it's tall and small so we make due with it being for crafty stuff/Honeybean backstock! It'll never ever be shown on the blawg because it's always a disaster! Mike is a bit messy :P) Anyway! -- in our home we have a lofted bed area. We have 12' ceilings and our loft is about 4' tall. Our bed is on the loft, as well as 2 sidetables. We have twinkly lights hanging from the rafters and lots of artwork all around. It's a small loft, and there's only room for those things. We keep a large floor fan up there in the summer but it really just fits our queen-sized bed (with no frame)! We have sheer white curtains hanging on the three sides and they can be closed for more privacy if we have overnight guests. We usually just keep them draped the way you see below. 
The loft has stairs up the side and then there's black fabric attached to the bottom/side of the loft. The entire underside is storage (!!!). Mike stores all of his photography equipment, a lot of my junk and also his woodworking table. (Yes, we have a wood working table in our house. And very often the floor is littered with sawdust and you'll hear the jigsaw a'goin! That's the great thing about factory/concrete flooring! You can literally do anything in your home!) Everything just slides right under and you'd never ever even know it was there! It's perfect considering there's nowhere to hide anything in our house!
The large wall behind our bed isn't lime green like it may look! It's actually a really soft natural green. We were going for more of a light sage but didn't feel like painting that huge wall again! The big amazingly awesome arrow light hanging above our bed was a super sweet way-early wedding gift to be used for our big day! Ashley and Brad of Against The Woodgrain made it for us and we are ecstatic! It's the most perfect thing ever. It seriously ties our little "room" together so well. It's naturally so very dark in our home so this light really really helps! (You can order your own here! They're on sale right now, too!) I made the random pom-poms and paper fans hanging all around. The artwork over my bedside table is by Ryan Berkley. I love him because he paints a hefty amount of sharks! Then there's our Ikea globe lamps, vintage typewriter and a watercolor painting gifted to me by the ever so sweet Miss Ella Masters! She painted this for me to celebrate the Honeybean Dream! Mike's nightstand has his Ikea lamp and a vintage orange tv (which still works!) that we snagged at a yardsale last year for $5! 
Our bedding is new (finally!). We did have a Shabby Chic duvet on the bed but the girls got the best of that one! We picked up this Ralph Lauren "Yorkshire Rose" comforter this past week. It's girly enough to please me and the green is neutral enough not to make Mike go into a tailspin. Win/win. Random cutesy pillows and thrifted pillow shams. I like girly things! And of course our bed is always filled with sleepy pups. The adorable paintings of Pipkin and Georgia were done for me by the lovely Carla of Rosita Mustache Studio! You can commission your own here! I promise they're worth every penny!

Well, that'll about do it I guess! I'll definitely share more "peeks" from around our home, but I'm undecided if I'll do a full tour of the rest of it. It really is rather underwhelming. We have twinklelights hanging/wrapped around the steel supports in our house, but the rest is just whatever. Maybe I'll feel inspired to reorganize some more stuff and shoot it anyway! If I end up repainting one of the walls in the bathroom then maybe I'll share that, too! (Mike let me go all out girly in the bathroom. It's currently light blue and decorated with white accents. I have some beautiful light pink paint though and I want to paint one wall. The "decor" in the bathroom is all white cats haha! It's a tiny/dingy little bathroom but we make it work!

Thanks for taking a peek into our little room! What's your favorite part of your room?

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