Monday 14 November 2011

Burnt Umber

The perfect Autumn outfit, for me, consists of a warm orange to compliment the soon-to-fall leaves, a light grey to bring in the overcast skies, a rich brown for the bare tree trunks and maybe some black tights just for warmth. The yellow hairpiece acts as a send off for the fleeting season. There are few colored leaves left around here and my heart breaks at the tail end of each Autumn because it comes and goes so quickly. The bright green leaves here may have you fooled! These photos are from about a week and a half ago and it seems that was all the time they needed.

Mike and I are hard at work today. Getting a whole heck of a lot done! This week will be full of fun things like a newly stocked Kaelah's Closet (!!!) and the launch of my PR + Marking ebook (Friday, 9am CST! Mark your calendars friends! I'm posting this so I have to finish it!) We started the day with some coffee and to-do lists at Waffle House. I've grown to be quite fond of Mondays! Here's to a wonderfully productive week! 

Topshop dress
Forever 21 cardigan
Forever 21 belt
Ross bag
Black tights c/o Foot Traffic
Vintage loafer flats, thrifted

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