Tuesday 29 November 2011

Little Teapot

You get one normal picture and two pictures of me acting silly ;) That's my "I'm a little teapot, short and stout" pose and "Hey! Look at my cool hallway!" haha! Any other style bloggers get a bit exhausted simply trying to name your outfit posts? Man alive! I wore this outfit yesterday and Mike and I went out for a dinner date after we packed up a million and seven Hive + Honey/Honeybean orders. We shut off our phones and focused on conversation with each other. It was lovely. Now it's back to the daily grind! I'm trying to get everything prepared for December's sponsors and the ultra awesome (if I do say so myself!) giveaway coming up on Thursday!

This dress is the sister dress to the one in this outfit post. I wear the two of them entirely too often. They're the best dresses considering I maybe paid $9 for them! It was an otherwise bland color palette so I added this Love Stitched necklace and a bright red belt. The little rosette necklace is darling and perfect for a punch of color. I was a bit intimidated by it at first but it proved to be such a fun accent. I recently snagged these flats from Target on clearance (same as my tan ones!) to replace my Blowfish flats that are basically mesh from all the holes I've worn into them. I'll have to show y'all one day haha I'm kind of proud of them. (and I'll continue to wear them... I just won't photograph them!)

This week is full of friend dates, new and old, so I can't wait. Until then, I'll be slaving over some design work and website coding so I'll see ya on the other side! xo

Bebop dress via Ross
H&M denim jacket
Zoe necklace c/o Love Stitched
Red belt from Forever 21 dress
Black tights c/o Foot Traffic
Target flats

Have you ever had an article of clothing you've worn to bits? They're the best, right?!

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