Tuesday 22 November 2011

She's Gone Country

I couldn't help but get super silly when naming this outfit post. I was uploading the pictures when "She's gone country" came into my head. You know the Alan Jackson song? Probably not. But it goes like this: "She's gone country, look at them boots. She's gone country, back to (look at) her roots." haha! I figured "look at" was more appropriate considering my hair is like 4 weeks un-dyed and all kinds of ridiculous. I'm in between hair stages right now so you'll see some interesting 'dos in the next few outfit posts. The weather in Nashville has been awful so we had to take several days' outfits in our hallway instead. Everything is sopping wet and chilly! 

This dress was a sweet surprise from Miss Jen of Jen Loves Kev. She said she had a dress she was going to  list in her Shop My Closet but that it was perfect for me so she sent it along instead! I was tickled pink to open it up and see what it looked like. I've worn it a million and one times but this is the first time I've had a chance to shoot it. These boots are my new Beams from Blowfish! Oh my stars they are rocking my world. I have the issue of really big calves (thanks to like 14 years of softball) so I can't wear most of them. I ordered these on a whim hoping they'd work and luckily they did! I can wear them pulled all the way up to my knees or I can slouch them down some. They're so comfortable, too. I wore them the other night to work and my feet never got sore. Win! I've always had boot envy so I'm glad I can call these mine!

We've been hard at work on launching Honeybean's new online shoppe as well as restocking Hive + Honey so stay tuned! That's coming up real soon!

Dress gifted from Jen
Forever 21 cardigan
Thrifted belt
Thrifted clutch
Beams boots c/o Blowfish

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