Thursday 17 November 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Holy moly it's cold and wet here in Nashville! The high today is 50 (wha?!) but luckily it's supposed to dry up for a couple of days. I swear Nashville's weather rivals San Francisco no doubt. (Not that this is relevant to really anyone, but hey, whatever!) Anywhoo! I've been living in my pajamas the past few days trying to get some stuff done but Mike took it upon himself to oversee all of Kaelah's Closet (!!!) so all but 3 orders have been shipped! Wahoo! I promise to shower soon and maybe actually get dressed so I'll have some outfit posts lined up. Until then you get to look at pretty things! Have at it!

this is so true. i love mean girls 
(and I quote it every time I buy/eat Toaster Strudels!)
♥ this beautiful collage 

♥ everything on this list 

♥ this is my favorite couple tattoo ever 

♥ stewart always has it covered (i miss madtv!) 

♥ kate is probably the cutest girl to ever exist 

♥ this shark tattoo 

♥ this piece of advice 

 i hope santa brings me these ghost world dolls 

♥ this house (!!!) dress 
this drawing Becca did of me! (order your own here!)
(is it self-centered of me to keep these awesome portraits on display in our house?! i mean, it's not like i commissioned them of myself or anything. they're really lovely gifts and i love to display artwork here but i'm always curious what others might think!)

Other things of the awesome variety: Here are five signs that Ryan Gosling might actually be God  These hand lettered logos from defunct department stores (they're so beautiful!)  This pink velvet roulade recipe looks magnificent! (Perfect for Valentine's Day next year!)  Design*Sponge's "Living In Clueless" mood boards! (Favorite movie!)  Grace just listed a Ron Swanson mug in her shop! (!!! It's not a valid TiLT post without the Ron man!)  Elisa shares her holiday suggestions on finding the perfect gift  Cassie from The Veda House shared Mike Perry's studio (If you're into awesome illustration, you have to love you some Mike Perry!)  Alejandra shares her sweet pup with us!  Emily's Value Meal Ring Set is one of my favorite things we have stocked in Honeybean! Seriously, it makes me want to watch Aqua Teen!  and last but not least, if you're looking for a blog to fill a colorful void in your life, Color Issue just might do the trick!

What are you loving this week?!

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