Thursday 10 November 2011

Mike & Ashley Christmas 2011

It is that time of year again, holiday cards must go out to all friends and family updating them on your latest escapades that life had to bring in 2011.  

Many of you have seen my holiday special flyer that has been floating around.  If you are an AZ resident and are looking for those special pictures send me an email!!

I have talked about her many times before.... obviously because she is one of my besties!! Miss Ashley has a little blog maybe you have heard of.... oh, THE SHINE PROJECT?! yeah nothing big right?! haha if only I could be that small.  She is doing a fabulous giveaway of one of my packages today, so make sure you head on over and enter in to win a session with me :)

Here is a preview of the fabulous Christmas photos I took of Ashley with her wonderful family!
For the full shoot check here!


Are they not so adorable?

If you are an AZ resident and are looking for fabulous holiday photos like Mike & Ashley's head on over to THE SHINE PROJECT and enter the giveaway! OR e-mail me at!!!

Remember tomorrow is the last day to enter The Pink Ruffle Giveaway!! click here to enter!

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