Tuesday 15 November 2011

Want To Submit To My E-Book?

My first-ever e-book is launching this Friday morning (!!!) and I'm so ecstatic. I've been obsessively working on this thing for several weeks now, and I started it back in March (yikes!). I'm really happy to see it grow by leaps and bounds and I poured my whole heart into it. There are so many resources for how to be a better blogger, how to succeed, etc. and I won't claim mine is fool-proof or the only way that works, but it's what I've been doing for years and I only feel comfortable writing from an experience standpoint. I'm proud of what I've written thus far (23 hand-written pages, and still not finished!), but I want to ask... Is there anything you'd like to request information on? Do you have a question/situation that you don't know how to address? Is there something you're curious about that you can't find adequate information on? I probably can't answer everything with a solid answer, but I can give you my advice and my thoughts on the situation. Kind of a " what I would do" senario! 

I've had a few gals suggest topics they'd love to see covered, or ask me specific questions based on a situation they've experienced from blogging or sponsorship (this goes for Etsians and small biz owners, too!). Don't hesitate to suggest something you'd love to see elaborated on! 

I'm throwing together a last minute section that will contain all of these for you so feel free to ask/submit below or email me if you'd like! (kaelahbee at gmail dot com). If you'd like to remain anonymous you can always submit it to my Tumblr ask box HERE

I wrote this e-book to share absolutely everything I know. I'm not an expert and I'll never claim to be, but I've been doing it for a while and I've learned a whole lot (thanks to the numerous mistakes I've made!) along the way. I got fed up with seeing so many books, e-books and courses that wanted to teach you everything YOU knew, but not everything the author knew. I'm not holding anything back. Blogging is a lot more fun if we can all succeed! Can't wait to hear your questions! xo

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