Friday 18 November 2011

PR + Marketing E-book is Now Available!

The day has finally come! I've poured all of myself into this little 44 page e-book! I've been dreaming up content since March and I've really invested myself these last few weeks. I've spent a solid 40 hours working on it the past 3 days alone! It's really exciting to see it all come together!

I decided to write this e-book despite the fact similar topics can be found all across the internet. I wanted to write it in a relatable way. Without the overwhelming pictures, without the self-motivation and congratulation. I wanted a platform to share absolutely everything I've learned during my journey. And I'm happy to say I think I accomplished it!

For me it was never about teaching you everything *you* know. Instead I write from the perspective of sharing everything *I* know. I'm far from an expert but I'd like to think I've learned a thing or two in my time. By purchasing this e-book, I'm promising to send you any and all updates, amendments, and edits for the next year. If I write 12 more chapters, I'll send it to you first thing. No questions asked! 

This e-book is a culmination of experience gathered from several years of blogging and a whole lot of mistakes. I'm constantly learning new things and how to better myself and my brand. I might learn a life-changing lesson tomorrow! If I do, I promise to write about it and send it to you so you can maybe learn from my mix-ups. Some mistakes you just need to make yourself though, so take my e-book with a grain of salt. Look at it as one single method. What works for me may be the last thing that works for you! But sometimes all we need is a fresh perspective.

It's also not just for bloggers. I wrote it with small business owners in mind, too! If you run an Etsy shop or an online store, it's worth checking out! I highly suggest you write a blog to help promote your business anyway! I talk about how to promote yourself, pitch a design to a blogger for review, and how to handle negative feedback if you were to get it.

In this e-books 14 chapters, I touch base on how to start your blog, how to use self promotion without being spammy, how to monetize, reach out to brands, and even how to build your own press-kit (with my old one as an example!). Hopefully you'll at least pick up a few valuable bits of information! 

Click below to purchase the e-book. Be sure to include the email address you would like it sent to! You can expect all orders in 18 hours (usually within 1 hour of payment). If more than 18 hours passes between your payment and receiving your PDF e-book, feel free to email me at kaelahbee at gmail dot com! (I'll be processing orders and sending out copies all day, so you should get it almost immediately unless I'm at work!)

The cost for the e-book is $25 USD. 100% of the earnings will go directly into Honeybean in hopes that we can travel with her in the spring. I promise I feel like I have priced it fairly based on the content and comparing it to similar titles on the market.
After you read it, feel free to let me know your thoughts! I'd love feedback! xo

PS; If you have any trouble with the PayPal button, feel free to email me (kaelahbee at gmail dot com) and I'll try to help you out! Sometimes it can be finicky! 

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