Tuesday 29 November 2011

Bubbly Tuesday // Guest Bubble!!

Happy Bubbly Tuesday!!!!

It is time for another guest bubble this week.  I have been so crazy with my mom visiting, I was more than happy to have Miss.  Gentri from GentriLee guest posting for Bubbly Tuesday.

Before we check out Gentri's great bubbles don't forget THE SHINE NECKLACE giveaway ends tonight at midnight! So get HERE to enter!

Hello Classic & Bubbly Readers! I am so excited to be here today! I love Bubbly Tuesday's and was so excited when Stesha asked me to participate. :) My name is Gentri and I blog over at Gentri Lee. I agree with Stesha- Tuesdays can be a very tough day in the week. Not quite in the middle, not close enough to the weekend. So I love having a fun and upbeat way to celebrate Tuesdays.

Plus- Bubble Gum makes everything more fun! :)

Tuesdays are usually a great day for me. I only work half days on Tuesdays and get to spend the rest of my day doing whatever I please. :) This last Tuesday I came home, threw on the comfiest/ coziest items I own (a poncho is basically a glorified snuggie, right?) curled up on the couch and opened a favorite book. I love to read and to spend time in the quiet letting my self fall head first into a good book.

This is one of my favorite reading spots. It's called our "Sitting Room". There's a large window that I face while reading and I love to take a moment to stare up at the mountains while I ponder or take a break.

Do you have a favorite reading spot? What about a favorite book? I would love to have new reading suggestions!

Bubble Gum and a good book was a perfect way to spend my Tuesday. What did you do for yourself today? :)

Thank you SO much Stesha for letting me join in on the Bubbly Tuesday fun and thank you all who are reading this! I'd love for you to pop over to my blog anytime and say hello!


How cute is she?! Love it.  and I love those bubbles! 
Remember if you are wanting to be a guest bubble for a Bubbly Tuesday make sure you email me!!!

Make sure you link up below and fill me in. 

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