Friday 25 November 2011

Cranberry and Chocolate

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! I had every intention of yesterday's post to be a Things I'm Thankful For post (in place of a TiLT) but I was out of town, had no access to a computer, and had more fun enjoying family. It was nice to take a day off of blogging. (I'm also avoiding email today and maybe all the way until Monday so don't freak out if you don't hear back from me immediately! I'll send ebook orders but that's probably it!) Anyway, I worked Wednesday night and it was surprisingly dead, but I still didn't get home (to my parents') until 3am. Mike and I slept until 10 then visited with my nana and headed to Lawrenceburg to see Mike's family. My nana gifted me the most gorgeous set of Pyrex dishes that my mom bought her in the mid-70's! I'm so excited to use them.

We had a really great visit full of really great food and conversation and we made our trek back to Nashville around 4:30. (I slept most of the way home) but we crashed on the couch and watched Netflix for the rest of the night and we mega slept in today! I used to get into the whole Black Friday shopping but I started realizing it wasn't for me at the end of high school. It can be fun but not when you have to work that night! I learned the hard way one year. This outfit is a little more "holiday" inspired with all the cranberry colors but I just need to block out my entire head. My hair is all sorts of a mess these days (and I've since dyed over it, but I don't know what I want to do with it! Story of my life haha) I'm off to procure some hot coffee and warm clothes! Happy Friday!

H&M lace dress
Thrifted belt
Target cardigan
Thrifted purse
Honeybean ring (Coming soon!)
Opaque tights c/o Foot Traffic
Suede + Patent booties c/o Love Clothing

PS; I'm thankful for every single one of you!

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