Saturday 12 November 2011

Sponsored Giveaway!

If you like jewelry and art, this is your giveaway friends! Three fabulous LCH sponsors have come together to offer up some of their goodies to one lucky winner! Here's what you could win:

Rebekka of Dear Friend is offering up two original flower paintings! They're absolutely stunning! They're 5" x 7" watercolor and gouache on 190gsm watercolor paper. They'd look positively darling framed together in your home. 

Barbie of Luck Squared is giving away an assorted accessory set! Including two handmade beaded bracelets and two rings! They'd be a great pop of color for any outfit!

Tiffany of Tricksy Apparel is going to tell you a little bit about her prize! "Tricksy Apparel is tickled pink to introduce their new “One Flew Over” nest sets, which include one nest pendant and chain, one adjustable nest ring, and one pair of nest earrings.  Now you can be decked out from head to toe (or rather, head to hand!) in these fully-customizable sets, which allow you to choose any combo/color of bead “eggs” you’d like for each piece (you can coordinate color combos for each piece or mix and match - think family members' birthstones, traditional anniversary stones, your favorite team's colors, or any other color palette you'd like!)"

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To enter to win, drop by the sponsors above then leave a comment below telling me your favorite piece in each of their shops(Be sure to leave your email or twitter name with your comment so I can contact you if you win! You can spell it out like kaelahbee at gmail dot com to avoid spam!) This is just one entry. Please include all 3 "favorites" in one comment!

If you'd like additional entries you can.... 
+ Follow the blogs above/leave a sweet comment (one entry per blog followed, up to 1!)
+ Follow the sponsors on Twitter (one per follow, up to 2!)
+ "Like" the sponsors on Facebook (one per like, up to 2!)

If you kept tally then you'll notice that is up to SIX entries! Please be sure all additional entries are in separate comments so they can be properly counted! Entries not left separately will not count, sorry! A winner will be drawn next week and contacted shortly thereafter! Good luck! xo

Congratulations to Comment #131 Hilary for winning last week's Sponsored Giveaway giveaway! 

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