Tuesday 1 November 2011

November Giveaway: Makala Tenor Ukulele

It's likely that this giveaway won't excite the masses like my Lomo or turntable giveaways have in the past, but this one is special to me for obvious reasons. I'm eyeball deep in learning to play the ukulele myself and I am having an absolute blast! Learning an instrument has always been a foreign desire of mine but now that Mike is actually helping me learn, I'm hooked! He sits me down for a half hour each night and helps me play the chords to a song we're learning together. I've never been more excited to learn in my life! I thought it'd be fun to offer up the exact same model of ukulele that I'm learning on to one lucky reader! Maybe you'd like to learn, or have a friend that might. Or maybe you're already a ukulele whiz and you can add a tenor to your collection! I have the Makala tenor ukulele pictured below and it's been absolutely perfect for me! Mine is tuned to a low-G (and yours will be too!) instead of a high-G. I just love the way it sounds! Peep below to see how you can win!

To be entered to win, be a follower via GFC (on the sidebar!) and leave a comment below with the first song you'd like to learn to play on your ukulele! (Be sure to leave your Twitter name or your email address so I can contact you if you win! You must do this first entry in order to win!)

For extra entries, you can: (Leave a separate comment for each entry!)
  • Tweet about the giveaway using this tweet: "Up for grabs on the @KaelahBee blog is a sweet Makala tenor Ukulele! http://tinyurl.com/3gtkkcr"
  • Blog about the giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your blog post
  • Follow LCH via BlogLovin'
  • "Like" LCH + Honeybean on Facebook
That's up to five different chances to win! Be sure to leave a separate comment for each and check back at the end of November to see if you won! Gear up for some pretty stellar giveaways coming at you from this month's sponsors, too! Good luck!

Just wait until you see December's big giveaway! It's so ridiculous! We've been putting back a small bit of each month's sponsor money all year to get this one... Believe me, I want to just keep it for myself!

The winner of the October Lomography giveaway is Comment #659 Mary Mary Quite Contrary! Check your email, lady!

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