Thursday 22 September 2011

October Sponsor Call!

I don't think I've ever been so excited about a month in my life! Sure, graduating college was cool, getting engaged (and going on a roadtrip with our best friends, and winning a trip to NYC with Levi's) was part of a "dream month" in March, but in October.... just a couple of weeks away... we are having the Grand Opening of Honeybean Mobile Boutique! 

I kind of can't believe how quickly it all came together. I still feel like I'm daydreaming about everything! But tomorrow night we'll load her up and set her up for Friday's soft launch debut! That's right! A big ol' OPEN sign!

You can imagine my excitement, I'm sure. Well I've also been working on a little website/blog for Honeybean at! Don't judge it too hard... it's far from finished! (Obviously!) It'll be ready to go by October 1st but I'm excited to share with you a new little perk for Large and XL sponsors... you'll be showcased not only on, but also! Yep! Two sponsorships for the price of one! 

Sponsorships are a total learning game. I feel like I get the hang of it and then I learn something that can make it better or be improved upon. I don't think that'll ever change. I'm constantly searching for an organic way to support small businesses and blogs looking for exposure. I never want my readers to feel like I'm ramming it down their throats, but sometimes I just get so excited about partnerships that I can't help but babble on! will be where all of Honeybean's foot traffic is directed. Business cards, vinyl decals on the 'bean, our signage, etc. It'll be a great way to send a new demographic and audience to your brand/blog. It's going to be so great!

Feel free to check out the perks and rates, along with my traffic/stats and email me at if you'd like to sign up! Put "October Sponsorship" in the title if you don't mind! That way I can get back to you ASAP! 

Our dreams are finally coming true! I really hope to make each and every one of you a part of it! xo

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