Wednesday 21 September 2011

So Long Sweet Summer

This isn't the most Autumn-appropriate outfit, I know. In fact, it's a fashion faux-pas to wear white after labor day, is it not? Ah, who cares. I've never really been one to follow those rules mainly because I don't understand them. I snagged these shoes from LuLu*s a few weeks ago and this is the first time I've been able to wear them out and about. (They're sold out on LuLu*s but you can get them here!) They're the softest red/fuschia velvet ever! I was a bit stumped on what I'd wear them with but this dress was simply made for these shoes. I don't think I've ever seen a better pairing! 

The skies have been overcast in Nashville lately. The gloomy weather and the grey cardi go hand in hand it seems. A bit of sunshine from the shoes and dress but toning it down, too. Mike and I are officially working in overdrive to get ready for Honeybean's soft-launch this weekend! We know we won't get any sleep (I still have to bartend each night!) and I won't even touch the computer. I'm going to try to schedule up some posts to hold us over!

Off to do inventory! Happy Tuesday! I hope some of y'all can come down to the TN State Fairgrounds Flea Market this weekend to meet Honeybean! Next month is when the real fun should start!

Do you think it's okay to wear white after Labor Day? What are some typical fashion faux-pas that you love to commit?

Dress via Ross
Charlotte Russe cardigan
Qupid Bikini Red Velvet Wedges via LuLu*s

PS: Here's my new hair! It's a bit flat and bland in these pictures because I had just re-dyed it yesterday and my hair won't do anything the same day I wash it. Either way, it feels really good to be a redhead again! xo

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