Thursday 8 September 2011

guest post// My Unrehearsed Life!

Blog swap day!!! Come find me over at Miss Ashlyn's blog My Unrehearsed Life! 
Ashlyn was one of the first blogs I started following when I started Classic & Bubbly,  and she has been a fav ever since.  Check out her guest post and make sure to leave her some love :)

Happy Thursday!!! My name is Ashlyn & I write over at a little blog called My Unrehearsed Life. I am so excited to be guest posting here today for Miss Stesha because -- she is such an amazing & beautiful girl & her blog one of my absolute favorites to read! oh & because I get to meet some new & amazing readers!

My blog originally began as an outlet for me – a place that I could go & write about what was on my mind. But now my blog has become so much more than that. I have met so many amazing women & have built so many wonderful new friendships, some of which I wish lived WAYYYY closer & not half-way across the country! 
"We can't take responsibility for other people's action, but we are 100% responsible for our reaction to other people. -- How people treat you defines them, how you respond defines you." // [MK]

image via {pinterest}

when i first started blogging i wrote a post on this quote. & this quote has stuck with me since then. it tends to pop in my head when i least expect it & within the last week it has really stood out!

this quote truly is {powerful} -- it can be related to any area of your life -- whether it's with family, friends, boyfriend, coworkers, cashiers, telephone receptionists, people at mcdonalds -- anyone you name it!you can't take responsibility for their actions, because their actions are what define them, NOT YOU. i so often want to be responsible for the way someone treats me, but in reality i have absolutely NO control over them & they are who they are -- & i can't change that. the only thing that i can change is how i react to them -- whether they say something i don't like, do something i don't approve of, or just hurt my feelings. the way i respond is more important because it define ME, which is obviously what i am concerned about, because that's what people see. if i stand tall & be the bigger person -- whether its smile, shrug it off, or even let that person know in the kindest of ways that they hurt my feelings, i {will} be noticed & it {will} make a difference. 

i have control over me. no one else -- so that is what i/we need to focus on, because it will help change your relationships for the better :]

TDL {The Daily Love} are daily emails which you can subscribe too -- you can get them sent to your email by subscribing at -- you won't be disappointed!!!

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