Monday 26 September 2011

Honeybean Weekend Recap

Wow... this weekend! It was a bit of a crazy one. We went into the weekend with just hopes of making a few sales. We knew the Flea Market wasn't our demographic but we were hoping to stir some interest about Honeybean and maybe move some stock out to make room for the new Honeybean designers. Friday started with some awful, awful weather. It was well after noon (or maybe 1pm?) before we could set up. I took a small nap in the backseat of the car in the meantime. Friday wasn't too bad. Not a lot of people were there, with work and all, but we made a handful of sales and we felt decent about it. We locked up at 5 and off to work I went. Work was dead, dead, dead, and the drive home was awful but I woke to head over to the 'bean while Mike had been there since 7am. He was a trooper all weekend. Lord knows I couldn't have done it without him!

slow start on friday
honeybean colored gumballs!

finally some sun!
took a break to look at some other vendors (lovely phones!)
one heck of a team!
well deserved drinks

Saturday was a lot better. Slow to start but if there were 2 people at our booth then there were 15. I don't know how much you'd say a successful weekend would rake in but we are very happy with our outcome. It was the longest day of long days but work was calling again! The bar was almost as dead on Saturday as it was on Friday so I was a bit bitter. Woke up and tried the 'bean again on Sunday and the weather cooperated wonderfully. It was supposed to rain/storm but it missed us completely. Instead it was so very hot! It took us 4 hours to set up on Thursday night but only 1 hour to pack up (thank goodness!) We treated ourselves to some drinks at our favorite Mexican restaurant and then we came home and crashed out to an NCIS marathon.

If you stopped by the booth this weekend, I just want to say THANK YOU! A huge thank you. And thank you to everyone who sent sweet comments, tweets, emails and texts. It means so very much! We already have two booths for October, the big one (!!!) so please come out! We're going to spend the week looking around at some lots in Nashville for this month. If we don't find something we love then we'll arrange for the Grand Opening to be Saturday, October 22nd at the Flea Market! 

Kristi and Elle both stopped by on Saturday and they wrote really sweet blog posts about it all so please check those out if you're interested! I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted to (holy crazy!) but I promise to next time! Kristi's post is HERE (she has shots of the interior!) and Elle's is HERE! Yay! 

Today I have a lot to catch up on! Hopefully I'll be able to pour through my email today, too! I have a couple of sponsor spots left so if you want one, email me! XO

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