Tuesday 13 September 2011

Autumn Hues

After oh so much debate, 6+ months of my natural brown and another 2+ months of attempting to get my red hair back to the hue I had, I'm happy to say I finally have! Huzzah! It's been a long road, that's for sure! From white roots to basketball orange hair to a muddy red brown that didn't make any sense with the intended color (Copper, c'mon!), I reverted back to my old hair dye and it was a success! I know it'll continue to get even brighter each and every time I dye it (love that!), but I'm really really thrilled to have my old red mop back!

Red hair is exhausting to keep up with but I feel the most me with red hair. I opted to go back red now because I think I want brown hair for our wedding next year and I knew I couldn't have brown hair a whole 18 months without going crazy. Might as well get it out of my system now! The picture above makes it look really bright red but it's honestly just a medium brightness (for now). Time to take stock in Sally Beauty Supply! haha I think red hair is oh so perfect for Autumn.

These are also my new glasses! I got two pairs from Coastal Contacts (here are the first pair!) and these are also so very Autumn appropriate. They're tortoise shell frames with light pink (!!!) sides! They even have a little heart cut out at the end piece behind your ear! I'm kind of in love with them.

In other news -- Our Chicago trip was SO much fun! I'll be going back through all of that in the next couple of days. I didn't take any pictures (doh!) but there's still plenty to blog about! Including our big Ikea haul, sweet Salvation Army finds, and Renegade of course! The next few days will be crazy with me trying to catch up on emails (I have several hundred from just 6 days alone! Eek!) and finishing up a few design projects. AND expanding Hive + Honey's accessory line! So happy to be in this place. I just want to create, create, create!

But for now we're (read: Mike) going to build my new work desk (!!!) and then head down to pick up our sweet little munchkins (I've missed them so much!). Then we're cooking dinner for Brian and Christina! What a wonderful Tuesday! xo

Do you dye your hair for the different seasons? What color are you rocking for the Autumn months?!

PS; I'll have a couple of blonde-haired outfits left to post soon too!

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