Sunday 11 September 2011

Instant Reply: Friends Do Fun Stuff Edition

** I'm currently enjoying our little vacation time in Chicago with Chris and Susannah! This post has been scheduled to post while I'm away! All comments will be addressed once I am back in Nashville (or have proper internet time). If you'd like a quick/immediate acknowledgement, feel free to tweet at me! ** 

In the last edition of Instant Reply I overloaded you with way too many pictures of my dogs. Do you hate me for it? Now I'm going to share Friendly Fun Time with some of my favorite people! I often go without blogging too detailed events with my "IRL" friends simply because I don't like to exploit anyone or, I don't know, invade their privacy. Not everyone signs up to share their life with the entire interwebz. But without further ado... Friends!

First up is the Shark Week party we threw on the last day of July! I don't think I ever shared photos of it on the blog (!!!) so here they are! Maybe this will inspire you to throw a Shark Week party next year! We had people over, had cocktails and finger foods. Everyone signed an Oceana petition to ban shark finning in our waters, too! It was productive and education, and best of all: FUN! 

(This is "Ocean Water"... 1 bottle Bicardi Limon, 2 Liter of 7up, and a few drops of blue food coloring! It was delicious!)

(Our Shark Week spread! Blue water icing mini cupcakes (Made with my Babycakes maker!!), Goldfish crackers, Swedish Fish, "Chum" (Mango Salsa!!), "Fins" (Tortilla chips!), Shark gummy candies, Shark Week bottle opener and tableware (courtesy of Oceana!), various fruit and veggie plates and my shark salte and pepper shakers!)

(Our Shark Week decor! There was plenty more you couldn't see too!)

(Drinking beer out of a shark mug and LandShark beer!)

(My best friend Bryan... the only other shark obsessed person I know. With our beer, his silly shark hat and the knit shark Susannah made for me!)

(Georgia sporting the shark hat. Isn't she so charming?!)

Other fun friend activities have included: Bowling, Camping/Canoeing/Cabrewing (and be greeted by a brown recluse spider in our tent at 7:30am), Roadtrip to the World's Longest Yardsale (where we acquired Gertrude), etc. You know... typical fun friend things.

(I spotted this sign on the interstate and made Mike drive an extra 8 miles just to take a picture of it. Bean Pot is our affectionate nickname for Susannah!)

(Making Flaming Dr. Pepper shots for people at the bar. I think they're yucky so I made myself a New Old Lady... Pictured to the right!)

(We went for a 20 mile 2-day canoe trip. I've never been so happy to be on land!)

What are some of your favorite things to do with friends? Anyone know of any fun putt putt golf or go kart places in/around Nashville?! That's totally on my list! We keep saying we're going to play laser tag soon! And Susannah promised us Medieval Times in Chicago! Have you ever been?!

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