Monday 26 September 2011

celebrating life


this past friday, september 24, 2011 around 1:08pm MST my grandpa, Galen E. Williams, passed away.

we will never forget the laughter and fun that he brought us. we will always thank him for the many ways in which he supported our family and loved each of us indefinitely. he gave everything he had to help anyone in need. he was loving and caring and kind. his endearing nicknames are ones that i will never forget. he was smart, witty, bright and happy.

its hard to believe that he has left us. its hard to take it all in. it seems so surreal. marcos and myself are flying out thursday to colorado to be at the funeral. i'm sure that then it will hit me and i'm nervous for that feeling.

i have located some pictures that remind me of my grandpa and wanted to share them with you all. we will miss him and think about him always.


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