Thursday 8 September 2011

being random

Happy Friday!! The week has ended, YES!
You know what else happens on Fridays? Yepp, The Shine Projects weekly challenge.  This week Ashley talked all about being random. I was excited for this because I am always random!

These pictures are taken of a random old movie theater I found.  I couldn't get through the gate so I only have some pics of the front door.  It was so awesome, I loved shooting it! 




My randomness, here goes....

* I HATE melted cheese but I love quesadillas and pizza.

* both of my hips pop before I run, every time!

* I have to have ketchup with my eggs and Mac N Cheese (thats the only way I will eat Mac N Cheese, otherwise I hate it)

* I constantly think of ways I can make a living while spending everyday on the lake. (suggestions appreciated)

* My favorite colors are pink and sunshine yellow.

* I worked at my first job for 7 years.  It was awesome. 

* I lived in Hawaii for 2 years.  The island had 6000 people and no traffic lights.

* my mom is my best friend.

* I can not watch movies after 10pm,  I will always fall asleep.

* I have been told I get too emotionally involved in peoples lives.  

There you have it! 10 random facts about me! Comment below and leave me a random fact about your self!! 

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