Sunday 11 September 2011



Today marks the 10 year anniversary of September 11th.  I cannot believe it has been 10 years ago today when the world changed forever.  Do you remember where you were? I was getting ready for school, brushing my teeth when my mom called me in to watch the news.  I remember it was right when the second plane was hitting and I asked what new movie was this? She responded with, thats not a movie, that is actually happening right now in NYC.  The shock from that moment on was unlike anything I had ever experienced. 

I hope everyone takes a second today to think about all the men and women that were involved in 9/11.  Take a moment to remember them and what they did for our country.  Also say hi to someone you don't know, just because.  I am off to take some pictures of memorials today.  Will post them later on. 


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