Thursday 1 September 2011

living simple

The Shine Project's challenge this week was to revert back to living simple. So often we overwhelm our lives with materialistic non important issues. 

Lately I have NOT been living a simple life.  I have been going non-stop 7 days a week.  Ever since I got back from my trip in Canada,  I have been working 60 hour weeks, training for a half marathon, blogginggg (I know you can all relate to that), photo shoots, and everything else under the sun. It finally caught up to me this week. Boy did it ever. I am not sure if Ashley's Monday post set it off, but my body crashed and I am pretty sure it was trying to tell me to slow down. 

I am taking the rest of the week and the wonderful long weekend to concentrate only on what is needed in life. 




Congratulations to Jess at Pretty Physicist!!! You are the Cbeelz Coaster winner :) I will be emailing you today!
And a special Thanks to CBeelz Coasters for your wonderful talent!

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