Thursday 15 September 2011

always madewell ♥


so while i was blogging yesterday of course i had to go joanna's blog, a cup of jo, to see what new things she had posted. she had written a post high lighting maxi skirts and the fact that they're super cute for fall. she had this picture posted and i fell completely in love with the skirt and the style of pictures.

i am so glad that she had sourced her images properly because i was able to find the cutest website with the worlds' cutest clothes.

i don't know how many of you are familiar with madewell, but i wasn't until yesterday and i admit that i am completely in love. they have the cutest and most stylist clothing. check them out here!

i listed a few of my favorites below! enjoy!! ♥

ps. check out my guest post over at 'dancing in the rain'!

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