Sunday 4 September 2011

Currently In The Works...

As silly as it sounds, I've been hard at work on a little blogger e-course since March. The subject: PR for bloggers and small online businesses. The idea first came to be when Mike and I were driving in the car way back when. Like some random bolt of lightning it just dawned on us. I'm not sure how the conversation started... maybe something like me expressing my distaste for the blatant lack of professionalism on both sides of the fence when it came to partnering up with other brands/bloggers. Either way, we started snowballing ideas. Days passed, weeks passed, and then months. I was so overwhelmed by how much information there was and how I was going to manage to localize it to one place. Six months later and it's still not finished, but it's well on it's way! 

I've searched high and low for an ecourse/ebook like this and I simply haven't found one. Darren Rowse (ProBlogger) came out with one called Guide to Blogging about your Business as well as one called Guide to Online Marketing (each of those links actually gets you 50% off the prices). I'm almost always into Darren's stuff but these were just too expensive for me (they're regularly $100!). I haven't read them and instead I've decided to write my own. 

Blogging can be a tough game. Especially if you're into a niche market like fashion, tech or travel. That kind of spending can add up fast! There are a ton of blogs who are successful on little cash, and that's awesome! Most of us have to shell out money for an awesome layout, sponsorships, business cards, etc etc. We don't have $50+ to throw into an ebook. 

My Blogging PR ebook will be designed with multiple niches of online personalities in mind. Maybe you're a fashion blogger, craft blogger or an Etsian, whatever! I hope I can share some bits about how to successfully manage your blog while exceeding your growth potential!

Topics will include things as important as sponsorships (offering them and buying them), understanding your traffic and stats, blog/brand branding, how to handle "haters" or hate mail, how to attract readers (and more importantly: how to keep them!), honest and unbiased reviews, how to politely decline/turn someone away for sponsorship/review/etc, ways to promote yourself without being "spammy", working with/contacting brands, and professional etiquette just to name a few! 

Blogging takes a lot of time and effort. It's not for the faint of heart. If you're investing a lot of time and money into your blog then you hope to reap some sort of reward/benefit, right? Hopefully my PR ebook will help! I'm not some professional, know-it-all, expert or anything but I'd like to think that my knowledge of said pieces has increased ten-fold since I started blogging seriously a handful of years ago! 

The ebook will also feature a much more extended (and refined!) version of the DOs and DONTs of Blogging! It'll be a labor of love but I can't wait to share it with you! 

Is this an ebook that you would be interested in? What topics would you love to see covered?

(Above picture via Tumblr... and totally unrelated)

ETA: Since there's already been a buzz about affordability/pricing, the ebook will be priced absolutely no higher than $25 USD! Depending on the range I'm able to achieve with the ebook, it will absolutely be priced accordingly! Thank you for all of the support thus far! Obviously blogging wouldn't be quite as fun without you! &heart;s

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