Tuesday 13 September 2011

coming soon // tattoo tuesday ♥


i have written many posts about a tattoo that i found online a few years ago. i have been completely in love with said tattoo and it took me a few months to actually be directed to the lovely lady who is adorned with this gorgeous piece of art.

after i found her blog, i became obsessed. i wanted to get another tattoo but was struggling with what i want to get. until now. i have been thinking about this tattoo for the past year because it is a huge committment. i want to make sure that i am completely in love with it before i go to do it.

i have been searching high and low for the perfect pattern as i would not want to completely copy the work of art that is on someone else's arm. that is just not cool. so i found a similar piece on a shirt at one of my favorite stores... none other than the good ol f21.

after seeing this shirt, of course i had to buy it. i have worn it twice and have only owned it for 4 days. i am in love with this shirt. but back to my tattoo story - i am 99% sure that this is the piece that i want to get. i'm going to wait til my birthday in march before i do anything but this is what i'm leaning towards...

tell me what you think!
[click on image for source]

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