Saturday 12 February 2011

31 Days To A Better Blog... & Some Invites!

I received an email Thursday night asking for the e-book and codes I had posted previously on the blog, and I realized that I never made a side panel for these items! Seeing as the blog has grown significantly I wanted to offer them up to new readers and touch base on why I think they're awesome. I can't even begin to thank you enough for the amazing feedback I received on the Blogging DOs and DONTs that I posted last week! Your comments, emails and tweets were so awesome. I'm a firm believer in sharing quality content even if you don't directly benefit. With that being said, I know so many of you have decided to take your blog to the next level. To really push yourselves to create the kind of content that you as a reader would want to see. All I can say is: AWESOME!

Back in January 2010 I presented my readers with a link to purchase a blogger workbook from Darren Rowse from ProBlogger. If you don't know anything about Darren, I'll just let you in on this: he makes his full living on his blog. Which is cool. Not exactly feasible for every person on the planet, but that's not the point. Darren saw an opportunity to go after something, so he did. And that is to be admired. There are many other bloggers out there like him. You don't have to be a consultant or tech blog to make it happen for you. Lifestyle and fashion bloggers do it every day. And to be fair, it's not about making money off of your blog, it's about cultivating the best content you can for it and really pushing yourself to have something different. You can change everything in just 31 days.

Sure, I can blog pictures all day long from the internet but chances are highly likely that you saw them somewhere else first. Darren points out great tips on how to manifest original content so the blogosphere isn't a big cesspool of regurgitated material. (Sick mental image, right? Sorry!) Anyway – I wouldn't promote something I didn't believe in. I bought the ebook myself back in January 2010 and loved it. I've actually had many people buy the ebooks from my blog and I've heard nothing but rave reviews. (The best part... if you hate it, get a refund!) Simple right? Cool.

I'm not going to shove this down anyone's throat, but I figured it was worth putting out there once more as you can get a 50% discount through this here blog AND you also get a 1 hour Q&A podcast! Wahoo! (To clarify: the original price is $39.95 and you get it for $19.95!)

I haven't purchased the copyright scorecard so I can't offer any genuine information on it from my experience, but I can stand behind the 31 DTABB. :) Anyway, if you snag one up, awesome! I hope it works wonders for you and makes you branch out! If you opt to pass, that's cool too! I'll never know haha If you've bought it in the past, please share your experiences in the comments! Or if you decide to buy it this time around, let me know your thoughts on it! 

Or click below to snag 'em up!

Buy Now

Now if ebooks and workbooks aren't your cup of tea and you'd rather just get sweet online shopping deals then maybe the next few links are for you! Below you will find a few of my invite codes for many invite-only websites and sites that allow you to get a ton of cash back! I'll only be sharing websites that I have used personally and regularly, but with my full-disclosure I will also tell you the benefits of inviting your friends, too.

Ebates is a website that allows you to shop online and earn a hefty amount of cash back rebates! These rebates can vary from 1% all the way up past 30% and 40%! Seriously! It's my favorite for and to find sales that currently offer Free Shipping. You also get some mad rewards for referring your friends until the end of the month! CLICK HERE to sign up and refer your friends. You could be the new owner of an iPad, Flip video, or even a vacation! (Yeah, it's not completely selfless but you want the iPad, too, right?!)

Shop It To Me is a retail-based website that sends you emails (you choose the frequency) with sales to your favorite brands such as J.Crew, Marc Jacobs, Urban Outfitters, etc. These can range up to 60% off! I've always hated myself for not snagging up a super cute MJ dress that was 55% off one day! For every 10 people you have sign up you also get a $10 giftcard to a shop of your choice. Some of the popular ones include Sephora, Urban Outfitters, and Starbucks! CLICK HERE if you'd like to try it out yourself!

Gilt is an online retailer which brings you the best in high fashion at up to 70% off. You can find Men, Womens and Childrens clothing all at a ridiculous markdown if you catch it on the right day! You can invite 10 friends and snag Free Shipping as well as some rebate perks of your own! CLICK HERE if you think it's something you'd be into!

While there are definitely tons of other invite-only websites and rebate websites, these are the three that I swear by myself. I have yet to find any others that deliver the deals as consistently and as awesomely (is that a word?!) as the three above. So there you go! There you have it! One snazzy e-book offer at 50% off and 3 websites where you can indulge in that online shopping addiction without feeling guilty! Now I just need to remember to put these little links in a widget! Yow!

PS; if you're an online shopper activist and you want to save big time on websites, be sure to use Retail Me Not to find promo codes that will snag you a discount! The internet's best kept secret! Sort of!

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