Saturday 12 February 2011

Come On, Spring!

Today's weather was definitely a breath of fresh air. The high was originally only supposed to be 46 but we're sitting at 55 right now and I couldn't be happier! The sun is about to go down though so I'm sure it'll be dipping a little cooler. Mike and I need to go get our walk on before that happens! Work last night was exhausting. We were so busy but that's good because it means 1) good money and 2) the time goes by much quicker. I hope tonight is as lucrative as last night! We ventured out to town to take these photos but I wasn't totally feeling the outfit and both Mike and I were in sort of a funk today. Nothing really to cause it, but we both weren't feeling 100% percent. Still I wanted to show you some goodies I've received in the mail lately!

This dress is one I think I bought around this time last year. Maybe even earlier! I only remember wearing it once or twice so I decided to bring it from my dusty closet and show it some light. The reason I didn't wear it is because I had misplaced the tiny red belt that went with it and nothing really kept the balance as well. But it has been resurrected! Can you notice the mud on the sides of my wedges? Being the graceful gal that I am, I totally almost ate pavement after tripping in a rather large muddy hole... Whoops! Anyway, it's from Charlotte Russe and the cardigan/tights are both from Target. The wedges are Dolce Vita for Target and the headband is courtesy of my sponsor Sunshine and Carousels!

I received this sweet little cowl scarf in the mail the other day and I had to take advantage of the early-day 40 degree temperatures to show it to you. It's supposed to get up to the low 60s this week and I don't think I could stand wearing a scarf or coat! I love the color and feel of this scarf! It's neat because it's been crocheted in a way that I've never seen. Huge loops and it gives it a honeycomb effect. I love it. Tiffany was kind enough to send one my way so even if I don't get a lot of use out of it now that it's starting to warm up I will definitely wear it next winter! If you're interested in seeing some of her stuff, venture over to her Etsy!

Another package of goodies showed up last week and inside were a plethora of vegan pigment eyeshadows from Mallory at MINNA! I'm not an eyeshadow girl by any means. In high school I would don bright and bold colors from MAC but ever since I've definitely played it down. Mainly because I don't know how to apply it worth crud! You probably can't tell too much in the pictures above but I was wearing Rose Water, layered and blended with Iced and then Doll House as a highlight on the inner corners. We tried getting some photos of my eyes but they all turned out pretty lame because I didn't have any eyeshadow primer on hand! Instead you get to see my goodies! I'll admit it'll take me a while to muster up the courage to wear the brighter looks such as Rouge, Royal and Coby, but I'm planning on it! Above are my top 5 picks of ones I need to get my hands on! From L-R is: Waters, Money, Pollen, Sassy and Softy! Love! If you're interested you can check out MINNA Cosmetics on Etsy! You can snag up the Valentine's set or order samples (as seen in the little baggies) of some colors to try out! Such a great price for quite a bit of product! I love the way they're packaged, too. So professional! And they're FDA approved!

Anywhoo! Mike and I are going to go chill out for a little bit and try to decide on some Valentine's Day plans! Last year we spent it on a mini-roadtrip vacation in the mountains but with our upcoming week-long roadtrip in a couple of weeks we opted against it this year! I was really sad but I didn't want another camel bite incident! Yikes! Happy Saturday, y'all! xo

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