Tuesday 20 September 2011

Bubbly Tuesday!

Good day everyone! Happy Bubbly Tuesday!!!

Wow September is flying by! I cant believe it is the 20th already, crazy to think of. 
For the rest of the country the weather should be cooling down... for Arizona residents not the case.  Ah I am jealous of everyone who is in jeans and sweaters, scarfs and boots!!  Tell me what you are doing today to make your Tuesday bubbly.  Are you playing in the leaves that are changing colors??

Link up below so I can take a look at what your up too! 


This Tuesday I am taking time for myself.  I got some awesome new eye shadows from MAC make up that I am obsessed with!! I am also trying to master the skill of liquid eye liner....one word, HARD!!! So I will be spending some time trying new make up tricks and laying around in my air conditioning  

Hope everyone has a fabulously bubbly day!! Come on over and tell me what your up too!!

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