Thursday 15 September 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Happy Thursday friends! Doesn't it seem like the weeks are just flying by now?! September has always been one of my favorite months and it's already halfway over. Kind of blows my mind! We'll be showered with bright orange leaves before we know it! I truly wish Autumn wasn't so fleeting. It makes for the best outdoor socializing (hello coffee and hot chocolate while bundled up in a scarf and jacket!) and the prettiest of pictures! Here's my weekly run down of all things awesome!

♥ this image makes my TiLT posts a few times a year! ♥

this picture is just the sweetest ♥

this aristocats cake! ♥

this silly retort ♥

this gorgeous illustration ♥

this is the perfect dress!

♥ baby platypus! ♥

these cute and crafty donuts! ♥

♥ jane was always so eloquent ♥

♥ this simply must make your heart happy, right?! ♥

♥ and the happiest of all awesome news in this week's TiLT: ♥
Exing Out Discrimination of the Day: Australia has taken an important step toward transgender equality by adding a third gender option to national passports.
The new gender category — designated with an “X” — will be available to all Australians with a doctor’s statement supporting their choice.
“X’ is really quite important because there are people who are indeed genetically ambiguous and were probably arbitrarily assigned as one sex or the other at birth,” said Senator Louise Pratt, whose partner, Aram Hosie, is a transman.
“It’s a really important recognition of people’s human rights that if they choose to have their sex as ‘indeterminate,’ that they can.” (via: dailywhat. source: ap via wapo.)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Other Awesome Internet Biz: this awesome print-shoe DIY by Smitten & Hazel! ♥ This insane paneled accent wall DIY from Design*Sponge (holy crap!) ♥ My newest sponsor (Shop Speedy Girl) is the coolest flash-sale site I've seen yet (Think ModCloth dresses, but averaging $27! I stalk it everyday now!) ♥ anddddd I'm super stoked to finish up Honeybean's blog/site soon! (And unveil a new sponsor perk that will begin October 1st!)

Window Shopping: I can't tell if I love or hate these shoes (I'm leaning heavily toward love but boy oh boy are they WILD!)  These Seychelles are to die for! They are SO CUTE! The bow on top just takes them to the next level (and best of all, they're cheap in comparison to current ~trendy shoes!. Must. have!) ♥ and two dresses from one of my sponsors, Ruche: Bella Luna (the colors and print are heavenly!), Thulian Pleated Dress (I love the "ombre-esque" color palette. Swoon!) 

Offline-Awesome-Things: going bowling last night with the typical crew (Mike, Brian and Christina. I think we need a posse name. We're currently an up-and-coming band called Peacock Boombox. It's just a joke, and I can't play a single instrument, but it's a fun thought nonetheless! I'm on tambourine!) My new desk (Ikea!) and my little fake plant on it. (We can't keep anything alive... except this succulent which is holding on by a thread, so we accentuate our home with realistic looking fakes!) Having red hair again! I'll be sharing actual pictures of it soon! (It's already faded so much so it'll get touched up next week!) ♥ All of the Honeybean designers I've already lined up! I still have 60+ emails to go through but my heart is so so so full! So many amazing things are in the works and I hope each and every one of you can come shop the Honeybean in person! And last but not least, making a tattoo appointment to start the front of my legs! I haven't been tattooed since December so it's long overdue! Trying to get everything finished (at least the parts that will show outside of my dress) before the wedding next year!

What are you loving this week?!

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