Monday 12 September 2011

Marathon Monday....

Ok so here goes,  we are looking at 4 weeks from yesterday until my half marathon.  I can do it.  I had a little set back last week due to being sick, but I am running through it! I went on 3 light jogs this week...about 6km each.  (annnnd thats not even half way...ahhhh)  So this week I am going to need to step it up, and I need your help!! I have 2 things I need help with. 
1.  I need MUSIC HELP!!! I need good "pump me up" music for my ipod.... suggestions??? I am all hears! Let me know what you like working out too. 
2. I need a hydration belt.  I was doing some research over the weekend.  Anyone have a good belt they like to use? I read up on the Nathan 2 bottle belt.... what do you think??





Enjoy your Monday!!! Remember tomorrow is Bubbly Tuesday!!!! Let me see what makes your Tuesday bubbly.  Take a picture, do a post, or just link up and tell me what you are up too. I am dying to know!

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