Saturday 3 September 2011

trip to colorado

i had an amazing opportunity to fly out to colorado and visit my family. well - most of my family. there were some members of my family that did not wish to see me and there were other members of my family that were not 'allowed' to see me.

it was the second time that i had taken my boyfriend home to see my family. my grandparents and my aunt & uncle have always been kind and sweet and willing to accept him. my parents ... well not so much. they didn't care to see me and they don't allow my other 3 siblings to see me as a 'punishment' to me.

just a forewarning - some of these pictures are not super glamourous. my grandpa is closing up his business of 30+ years. he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer a few months ago and was given 6 months. my aunt and uncle have been there for him the entire time. helping him clear out his business and figure things out. marcos and myself were in town friday august 26 - sunday august 29 helping clear out everything that we didn't need any longer for the business.

we are sweaty and hot in most of these pictures but i'm just glad that i was able to capture the family working together to help out my grandpa. i know that grandpa galen really appreciated all of the love, support and help that he got from the family.


[wilson, angie, grandpa galen, me, grandma helen]


[angie, marcos, grandpa & grandma]

although he may not admit it, marcos was so excited to get to try out the forklift. he loves machinery and mechanics and loves to mess around with things like this. he had a really good time working with wilson.


aunt angie & me - just being goofs


we also had the opportunity while we were there to take my grandpa and grandma to the animal shelter in commerce city. my grandparents had a little kitty, snow toes, that ran away about a month ago. my grandparents loved this kitty and me being an animal lover thought that it would be fun for them to go and see some animals and see if they could find the right kitty for their home.


there was one kitty in particular when we went into the sitting area that came up to my grandpa and just hopped up on him and sat on his lap. it was so cute. my grandpa just has a way with the cats... they have always loved him. whenever he comes to my house and sees my cats, they are always drawn to him. it's really cute.


i loved this picture. i thought it was the cutest thing. just my grandparents. talking about kitties.


my grandpa and marcos have always gotten along. whenever my grandpa was in town, and he would stop by to see marcos and myself we would all go out to lunch and they really hit it off. it was the cutest thing - the first time they met, my grandpa was here in utah and wanted to take us out to dinner after work. we all met up and were trying to decide where to eat.

i had previously told marcos that my grandpa LOVES sizzler. while we were brainstorming for places to eat, marcos brought up sizzler as an option. my grandpa's face lit up and said, 'marcos, do you like the sizzler? let's go there!' we just thought it was so cute. and since then, they have had many nights of chatting and getting to know each other.

this last time that we were in colorado, marcos decided to bring a book of pictures from when he was a child to show my family his family and where he came from. it was cute to see grandpa and marcos sitting together looking at the pictures and talking about family.



i am really glad that we were able to see my family and share some fun memories with them. we had a great weekend and captured some great moments that we will have forever.

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