Sunday 25 December 2011

The Upstairs Family Room For Christmas: Welcome to the 153rd Metamorphosis Monday!

Merry Christmas!   I have just a quick "Before and After" to share for this Met Monday.   I added a few holiday touches to the Upstairs Family Room this year and never got around to sharing those.  As always, I hung a little wreath on the grandfather clock.

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This year the armoire got a bit of lit greenery and I moved the feather tree from its usual spot in the guest room, HERE, to the upstairs family room.

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A view at night...

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Snapped a quick pic today right after I finished icing the coconut cake.  The wax paper was still under the layers.

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With the wax paper removed...

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You'll find the recipe for this cake and the icing, HERE.  I changed the recipe up a bit this time.  I wanted the cake to be even taller than normal.  The recipe calls for all-pupose flour, but I used half self-rising and half all-purpose flour.  And, I still added the normal amount of baking powder.  It was definitely taller than ever, almost too tall for the lid to fit on.  Be careful what you wish for. lol

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Once the cake was done, it was time for the best part.  I surely couldn't let all this icing just go to waste. Right?

Hope your day was filled with lots of yummy moments!  And I hope YOU got to lick the beaters. :)

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Looking forward to all the Before and Afters!

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Let's try something fun today! Please visit the person who linked before you and after you...that way everyone will get some visits. Hope you'll visit more, of course.

Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party!

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