Monday 5 December 2011

The Cat's Meow

Finally! An outfit with my beyond-ugly-but-so-totally-awesome cat tapestry Litas! I wouldn't normally jump at the chance to buy a cat print shoe but the tapestry was the exact replica of a bag I purchased on Ebay 2 years ago while living in NYC! I saw this bad boy on Ebay and had it rushed to my midtown Manhattan apartment in a jiffy. I proceeded to wear it daily and garner all sorts of strange looks from passers-by. Not quite as many strange looks as I get now with the two of them put together! I love it. I have to say, just as many people exclaim how much they love them as those whose faces recoil into looks of disgust. They fun and I was feeling down on this particular day so they lifted my spirits! I kept it simple with a white dress but got a little funky with an H&M cardigan. I'm kind of in love with this outfit.

It's weird, it's fun, and it's so perfectly me (well, the weird fun side of me at least!) How can you say no to those creepy little cat faces?!? You can also get them in dog tapestry now, too!

Mike and I are spending the day off the computer, taking a "vacation" from work for our anniversary! So happy to bring in another year with this fabulous guy. I mean, I'm going to be stuck with him forever, right?! I'll be sure to share our adventures later this week! Happy anniversary, Mike! You are my prince charming!

Dress via Ross
Target tights
Thrifted belt
H&M cardigan
Cat tapestry bag via Ebay
Jeffrey Campbell Litas

Do you have an article of clothing that you absolutely adore, no matter how out of the ordinary it may be?!

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