Friday 16 December 2011

Strawberry Rain

I know not many of you are from Nashville, but those of you who are can attest to just how fickle the weather has been as of late. It's been bouncing back and forth between a high of 39 and 62, with the lows ranging from the mid 20's to the lower 50's. Obviously my immune system can't keep up and Mother Nature is the culprit of the latest sinus infection (Feeling loads better though, thanks for your sweet well wishes!). Yesterday (and today) we woke up to rain. The difference being that yesterday was in the breezy 50's and today, at noon, it's currently 37 degrees. Just add some fog and I'd swear Nashville turned into San Francisco! It's unusually warm for December (Christmas is next weekend!), but it's nice to not feel like I have to bundle up real tight. Yesterday was the perfect day to run errands with my new snazzy umbrella. I've always felt umbrellas should be overly adorable or at least aesthetically pleasing because it makes a big difference on a dreary day! My giant strawberry one from Romwe is perfect! 

We spent the day fumbling for sweet treats and DIY items at various stores where the lines wrapped clear around the building. Every year I forget how not-fun it is to procrastinate for Christmas! I'm kind of excited about everything we're doing for the holidays, but I can't share too much here since 90% of our gift recipients read my blog! I'll share fun things afterwards though! We had the pleasure of meeting up with Emily and her fiance Kiersten while they were passing through Nashville last night. (Fun fact: I met Emily in Indianapolis in June when we were shopping in H&M on our way to surprise Susannah!) We met up for a delicious dinner at Rosepepper and then on our way home my car died. Right in the middle of East Nashville. (This being the car I just got back from the shop with a new transmission + radiator!) Luckily they were behind us and gave us a lift home. We sat around, drinking new old ladies and talking wedding plans. I'm lucky enough to be making Emily's hairpiece so I'm very excited! She's having a dreamy ranch/barn wedding like we want so I'm tickled pink. After they left we watched some MadMen and went to bed. Only to wake up and deal with towing and rental cars again today! It could be a lot worse those so I'm not too upset by it. Just another rainy day in Music City!

What are your plans for the weekend?!

Forever 21 dress
Forever 21 cardigan
Vintage belt, thrifted
Blue tights c/o We Love Colors
Target flats
Strawberry umbrella c/o Romwe

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