Sunday 4 December 2011

Mean Street

It's so funny to look at myself now, head to toe in black, and think about how in high school I didn't have the first black piece of clothing. I shopped primarily at places like Hollister and Abercrombie, and you never find a black article of clothing there... (have you notice that?!) It's still not high on my favorite color to wear, but I like how effortless it looks. Black clothing instantly classes anything up (at least I think so!). This dress is entirely too short (way shorter than I remember!)... I picked it up on Haight St in San Francisco a few years ago, but I haven't worn it in a long, long time. I wanted something dark and different to wear out and about with my new Jeffrey Campbell Security shoes (!!!). They may look intimidating, but they're so incredibly comfortable and easy to walk in! We shot these photos down the street from our place, just past the larger Marathon Motors building in Midtown. The late afternoon light was so perfect! It's briefly warmed up here in Nashville and I know it'll be cold again soon. Taking in all the fresh air I can before I retreat to only taking photos in our hallway!

Have y'all had a good weekend? I can't believe it's already December 4th. Christmas will come and go in no time! xo

Dress via some SF shop
Forever 21 studded belt
Target tights

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