Wednesday 7 December 2011

Shoppe Updates!

Mike and I have been busy bees trying to update the shoppes (here + here) so far this week. That's why you're getting countless outfit posts! I really haven't had time to do much else but I thought I'd share with y'all some goodies we've put up in the shoppes lately! Domestic orders received by Friday at 3pm are guaranteed before Christmas. We also offer priority and express shipping if you request it via message prior to checkout! Lots of fun bits to stuff stockings with and sweet things to put under the tree. Or if you don't celebrate Christmas, maybe just a gift for your favorite person (or yourself! I won't tell!)

We loaded the shoppes up with shoe clips, hair pins, bows galore, jewelry (vintage and handmade!), and there's still loads more to come. We'll be shooting, editing and listing for the better part of today, but I'll be back to share an outfit post shortly! We're happy to share our latest collaboration with ViviDot: Honeybean Polaroid necklaces! They're limited quantity so get yours if you want one! (How cute would it be to wear a mini 'bean around your neck?! Maybe I'm biased!). My PR + Marketing Ebook is still available in the shoppe, too!

To everyone who has purchased from Hive + Honey or Honeybean, we sincerely thank you! You're helping put our dream into motion so we're eternally grateful! xo

PS: We also offer to giftwrap your items if they're for someone special! Just let us know in the notes when you checkout! 

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