Tuesday 27 December 2011

Guilty Pleasures: TV Shows

I know I've written a post on tv shows before, my favorites and inquiring about y'alls. But I thought it'd be fun to poll all of the new readers we have, too! Mike and I are obsessed with Dexter. I remember buying the first season on DVD right before I went to Europe for a few weeks. I planned on watching it on the plane ride into Budapest. Instead, I watched half of one episode and then decided it wasn't for me. Something didn't click. It wasn't until the following year that I gave it another go since Mike was insistent. From then on, we'd try and squeeze in as many episodes as we could in that unusually-cold winter. (Sometimes we'd watch as many as six or seven in one sitting! We'd stay up until 6am watching them!) Of course the show has slowed quite a bit, and the first 3 or 4 seasons were undoubtedly the best, but we're sticking it out through all 8! Who caught season 6's finale the other night?!? Whoa!

Anyway, my parents gifted us some of the seasons DVDs and now all we lack is Season 3. Mike really wants to rewatch all of them (!!!) but I'm just not sure I have it in me! Do you like to rewatch tv series?! I always wondered if that was a strange thing to do... I'm not sure why. Anyway.

Since Dexter was coming to an end, we decided to start watching Mad Men on Netflix. I've avoided Mad Men like the plague simply because everyone is always fawning over it (How rebellious of me!) but we got really into it. It's amazing how quickly we flew through 4 seasons! We'd watch an episode or two before bed every night and before I knew it, I knew the entire history of all the characters and I'm eagerly awaiting season 5 in March. I've seen a lot of chatter about Breaking Bad on Twitter lately so we started that a few days ago. We just finished season 1 last night and we're hoping it picks up a bit as some of the episodes are a little slow.

We both really like to find shows that have a ton of episodes/seasons so we can catch up and really get into it. It's hard to commit to a show when it first begins and you have to wait a week for a new episode (We do really like Whitney and Two Broke Girls though!)  We don't get to sit down and enjoy much tv very often, so just squeezing in an episode before bed has become quite the nightly tradition around here. Though I'll admit my all time favorite tv shows are probably Felicity (!!!) + NCIS (Fun fact: We have 181 episodes of NCIS on our DVR. Yowza!)

So my question for all of y'all: Do you have any tv shows you absolutely love? Bonus points if they're on Netflix Instant! (*cue everyone saying Doctor Who!* haha)

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