Monday 12 December 2011



Good Morning!! Happy Monday to everyone.

Today I wanted to talk about one company that I am a huge supporter of, TOMS shoes! I know most if not all of you are familiar with TOMS and the great values they have.  Every time you purchase a pair, a pair goes to a child in need.  TOMS are not only selling shoes now, they have boots, and heels, they have gotten into sweatshirts, and now sunglasses!! The company is just growing unbelievably fast.

I cam across some old pictures of TOMS that I have taken in the past few months. I am thinking of stopping everyone I see wearing TOMS and snapping a photo.  In that case, if you have a picture of yourself wearing TOMS email it on over to me :)

Remember tomorrow is Bubbly Tueasday!! Get ready to link up!!!!

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