Thursday 15 December 2011

Things I Love Thursday

this puts me in the most festive spirit! 

 this gorgeous octopus tattoo 

 this is the sweetest proposal! 

 this dreamy party setup 

 this silly embroidery 

 this mean girls find! 

 this wet kitty 

 this simple + pretty collage 

 this + all other Daria things 

 this hungry policemen print from kristi mcmurray! 

Other Awesome Stuff:
++ Brandi of Ever So Lovely shared these unreal octopus + walrus chairs on her blog! Holy dream chair! You know... if it would match anything! They'd take up a whole room themselves. But they sure are beautiful! 

++ In the market for some bright knit pretty things to spruce up your gloomy winter? Kathryn has a huge selection of the brightest crochet accessories for your head!

++ Sarah of Silly Grrl has the coolest job! The aerialists are one of my favorite parts of Cirque du Soleil! 

++ Sarah from Almost Delightful has a full section of recipes called "Food Frolics" and they look yummy!

++ Charlie from Polka Dots are Love recently reorganized her craft closet and I have to admit, I'm jealous! My crafty area is always a mess and it's high on my list of things to do in 2012!

++ I love Sailor Jerry inspired everything and Kata's shop is no exception!

++ You've got like 3 days left to enter Susannah's bow scarf giveaway on her blog! Get your last minute entries in, y'all!

++ I'm desperately waiting for these bad boys to come back into stock in my size! I've been trying to buy them for months!

++ And a few coupon codes: 20% off your Omerica Organic order with the code KAELAH. 20% off of your Karmaloop order with rep code KAELAH (or use this rep code with any pre-existing sale code for an extra 1%, up to 36% off!). 20% off Poorly Drawn Things with code KAELAHTHEQUEEN.

What are you loving this week?

As always, if you know the original source of anything not linked, please share in the comments and I'll remedy that asap!

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