Wednesday 28 December 2011

2011 Outfit Recap

This year has been a crazy one for my wardrobe. That probably sounds really silly, but it's true. In early 2011 I was just a simple, black bow flat lovin' gal and I was insistent that I'd never "love shoes"... Are we all rolling our eyes yet? Um yeah. I found three cute pairs of wedges/heels at Target one fateful day in February and my closet has exploded with platforms, ugly shoes and wedges ever since. Heaven help us all. Now I'm a little too obsessed and my "collection" is kind of embarrassing. At least we're making progress here! I really love showcasing my ~*personal style on LCH simply so I can see the mega mistakes I've made (yowza!) and fun ways to switch it up. It's kind of awesome to be able to look back and actually see personal growth and evolution. My outfits almost solely consist of cardigans, dresses and tights (still), but there's an occasional doozy every once in a while. These are my favorites of 2011...













If you're interested in 2010's Top 12 Outfits, you can see those here! (They're grainy and so dated, but still! Evolution!) I kind of can't wait to see what 2012 brings. Hopefully the faintest idea how to do hair/makeup so I can look less like a 12 year old hot mess! Oh, and I hope to get better at ~accessorizing (though I'm not a fan of jewelry... hmm!)

Do you have any favorite outfits of 2011? Yours? Mine? Another blogger's? Share them below! Inspiration should be celebrated!

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