Wednesday 14 December 2011

Holiday Cards + New Family Member

Mike and I decided to make a family Christmas card this year to send out to friends. Like everything, we procrastinated but we finally did it this morning and we'll be picking them up shortly! We thought it was appropriate to include the newest addition to our family, Miss Enid. (We renamed her!) She's starting to get really comfortable in our house and she likes to show the girls who's boss. I bet y'all could all assume we'd get attached and end up keeping her! We're pretty predictable! 

We'll be sending out Christmas cards for the rest of the week so if you'd like to snag one before we're all out, fill out this little survey with your address info and we'll try to get you one! If we run out before we get to you then we'll send you an e-card on/around Christmas Eve! I was hoping to have my PO Box situation sorted before the holidays but it's like pulling teeth! If you're sending out holiday cards and out want our little family to have one, feel free to send it to the address in listed in my FAQ for now!

Do you do family holiday cards/photos? I'm kind of already dreaming up next years! I think it'd be fun to do totally silly ones!

PS; Yes, the cat is named after the always awesome Enid from Ghost World.

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