Thursday 22 December 2011

Things I Love Thursday

It's the 22nd, y'all! Christmas is a mere three days away. I've got batches and batches of baked goods to make, presents to wrap, friends to see, and I have to work tomorrow night, too. We're celebrating Christmas with Mike's family on Christmas Eve, so I really only have 2 days. It's kind of exciting, and also bittersweet. I love the holiday season and the Pandora Indie Holiday station, and twinklelights galore. It won't feel quite as magical once it's passed and everyone takes down all of their decorations. Then it'll just be cold! By the way, happy first full day of winter! (or was that the 21st? Whatev. Happy winter nonetheless!) Let's look at pretty things!

 this photo. (we all have those days, right?!)  
 this incredible toddler bed! 
 these death cab lyrics 
 this overzealous pelican trying to eat a cat 
 this over the top wonderful unicorn cake 
 be still my type loving heart! 
 this chocolate is made to look like the solar system! 
 these milkshake sharin' kitties 
 this beautiful collage 
 this insightful (yet simple) illustration 

Other things that are awesome:
+++ I'm kind of crazy about a few things over at Spotted Moth, including this floral trench coat, these faux Litas (they're like exact replicas for 1/3 of the price!), and THESE! ::drool::

+++ While on the subject of shoes, if you're a fan of bold color (U GO GURL!), you absolutely need to check out these over at LuLu*s: Mixx Kay Fuschia platforms, BC Footwear Color Block kitten heels,  Luichiny Sav Vee Orange Velvet Betty Bow wedges (Long name! But so beautiful!!!)

+++ Kata's shop, Miss Cats, is full of so many wonderful things. I'm currently wearing this ring and it matches my tattooed lady plugs! Need to share those soon!

+++ I really really love Tumblr (even though I'm not very good at it!), and a few of my favorites are: Things Organized Neatly, Kitschy Living, Sweet Home Style, and F***YeahEnglishBulldogs.

+++ DIY Louisville shared their Cocoa Mug Cookies and they're too stinkin' cute!

+++ Someone needs to promptly send me all of the (totally stellar priced) Pyrex in the Junk In Da Trunk Girls shop!

+++ Bethany of Sweet Sincerity wrote a great thought provoking post on the pros and cons of a brick and mortar shop for an indie designer. 

+++ Tara-Marie of Shipwrecks & Bravery shared a post on transferring really cool paper patterns to cloth (and then sewing them into pouches!) I miss college for cool projects like this!

+++ You can still pick up my PR + Marketing Ebook (for bloggers + small biz owners) for only $20 until the end of December! The discount will be applied automatically at checkout!

+++ I'm crossing my fingers that our plans work out for a little roadtrip up to Chicago in two weeks to see Susannah and Chris! We haven't seen them since early September so it'd be rad to spend a handful of days hanging out and pretending we lived closer than 600 miles apart!

Have you read or seen anything cool on the internet lately?! Have you written a post that you love and want to share? Leave a link in the comments below so we can all pop over! OR just tell me what you're loving this week!

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