Friday 23 December 2011

The Bunny Hop

Sometimes I feel like I can really chameleon myself into different styles or outfits. Granted this is yet just another blush colored dress that I own, and instead of ruffles and taffeta, it's a soft lace (and almost all of my outfits consist of a dress, cardigan, belt and tights!) But there's really nothing edgy about this one. Maybe the "black funeral tights" if you stretch it far enough, but in reality it's just a sweet, likely juvenile, outfit (and my legs stay warm in this crazy weather!) I often wonder how my style will progress over the next several years. I only started wearing dresses 4 or so years ago. It's undeniable that sometimes I dress much younger than a 23 year old should, but I like the sweet simplicity of it, so I'll continue. Bows and all!

These are my darling Le Bunny Bleu bunny shoes. Probably as polar opposite as you can get from yesterday's Lita Spikes. I picked up this polka dot cardigan from Target the other day because grey is slowly becoming one of my new favorite accent colors (and it matches my pea green one!). Anyway! Today I'm baking up a storm with Mike for our holiday festivities, and Maya is coming over to play with my new mini donut maker (!!!). We're going to try and whip up some yummy things so I'll have to share that via Twitter/Instagram! It's down the wire and today is going to be a very very long day!

Are you gearing up for the holidays?! It's the eve of Christmas Eve! Exciting!

Forever 21 dress + belt
Target cardigan
HUE tights
DIY headband

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