Tuesday 20 December 2011

Bubbly Tuesday!


Happy Bubbly Tuesday!!!!!

 I am experiencing some technical difficulties today as you can see in the photo above!
I was up in Canada not even 24 hours and I managed to slip on some ice helping my mom move some boxes and down I went.  I cant believe it! I guess Arizona shoes are not always meant for Canadian snow.  So at first I just thought It was sore, as the day progressed the swelling got worse and it turned blue.  The next morning, it was tripled in size and completely blue.  Awesome!! I am not a Canadian resident how am I supposed to get this looked at? So I got on the phone to my insurance in the US and they said as long as its an emergency I will have a deductible and 90% will be covered.... up to the emergency room I go. We all know how long that takes!!! ahhhh.  I sat there for 4 hours getting x-rays and waiting and waiting.  Finally doc says, Well good news the thumb bone and the wrist bone is not broken! yay! However it is too swollen to see any other bones in the thumb and palm of my hand, there is a great possibility that those could be broken or fractured. I tore the ligaments that connect my thumb and index finger :( talk about pain! Now I am stuck in this cast for who knows how long.  I get to go back to the doctor in 10 days and have more x-rays done!

Today I am relaxing! Thats all.  I may be going out to look for some rugs for my mom's new floors she got done, but other than that I don't want to move!!!

What are you doing today?!? Make my Tuesday Bubbly with your stories :)

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