Friday 2 December 2011

Gingerbread Sails

Y'all... I finally joined the rest of the female population by using a curling wand on my hair instead of a curling iron. Whaaa?! How am I so tardy to the party? I thought I'd hate it, but even with a severely burned thumb, I'm a total convert! Don't pay attention to my roots... they're forever bad. I wore this outfit on Wednesday to meet up with the lovely new-to-Nashville Maya at Sam and Zoe's in Berry Hill (but my hair didn't look like this... seriously I'm embarrassed I went anywhere like I did!) (Side note: I had the "Honeybee" coffee at Sam and Zoe's simply because, uh well, duh, honeybee... and it was divine! Mike had one later too and we're totally sold on it. So long scorched Starbucks!) Anyway, Maya was a total doll and I just adore her already (hope she liked me too because that statement could be creepy otherwise!) We chatted about her whirlwind relocation from Seattle and all things related. It was a nice break from the daily grind and I'm looking forward to hanging out again! Mike and I have been working away for new product to go up on H+H and HB. Look for that in the coming days!

Later on Wednesday my BFF Bryan came over and hung out with me and Mike for a few hours. It's always fun to see him. I wish our schedules lined up better but I'll take a few hours when I can get them! Now I'm sitting at home getting ready for work in a few hours. I didn't get this up earlier today because I've been running around chasing a rental car while mine is in the shop. Turns out my Xterra needs a new radiator and transmission! Yikes! Thank goodness I bought an extended warranty last December when I got my car! Instead of costing me $6000 (OMG!), I'm only out $50. It could be much worse so I feel very very lucky! For now you'll see me zipping around town in a teensy little black Nissan Versa... it's like driving a UFO. Happy weekend friends! 

Topshop dress
Target cardigan
Forever 21 belt
Black tights c/o Foot Traffic
Heart brooch c/o Under the Shade of a Bonsai Tree
Target flats

What are your plans for the weekend?!

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