Wednesday 28 December 2011

Christmas Morning!

Hello lovies!! It is Wednesday, and as much as I wish I was linking up with Oh, How Pinteresting...... Wednesday from the Vintage Apple I just had to share some pictures from Christmas morning.  I have been slacking on the blogging....yikes!!! But just on the posting part,  I have been out taking photos all day everyday.  So many photos that my iphoto is full again, which means I have to go back and re learn how to take all my photos off the computer and put them on my extended hard drive.  Oh joy!!! haha!!

I have been enjoying my time in Canada :) It has snowed the last 2 days!!!! All white everywhere, which means I will be out again today to take more pictures for you to see.  I have been ice skating on a pond and played hockey (very Canadian),  went and watched my mom curl in her curling league (also VERY CANADIAN), hanging out with my cousin lots and lots, and of course photographing the beautiful scenery! ...... oh and today I am shoveling the drive way!

Take a look at Christmas morning with the Jordans! I did get my Hunter's in red!!! Camera bag is being shipped!! and season 4 of GG!!! Guess Ryan Gosling got lost on his way here :( maybe next year!


what did you get for Christmas?!?

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